Monday, November 26, 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Today, I cooked special food !!

I used Terryyaki sauce and chicken.
I've never used this sauce.
I mixed this sauce and some sort of flovers.
I made this food first time.
My friend said " It's so~~~~~ delicious !''
I was happy and we had a good time !!

I'll try to cook again ! HaHaHa~~~^^*

Also, enjoy your meal~~~!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nov. 13th.

Today, I learned about some jokes. I will introduce one joke.

- The joke about the ugly son -

There was a man who had four chileren, all exteremely good-looking, except for the youngest one, Craig. Craig was quite ugly!

The ma grew odl, and just before he died he asked his wife, " Mary, I have only one question. Please tell me the truth. Am I Craig's father?''
"Yes, my dear," replied his wife. "I promise you, Craig is 100% yours."
The husband smiled. " I can die a happy man. Goodbye, my love." And he peacefully passed away.

Mary gave a big sigh and said, " Thank god he didn't ask me about the other three."